Sunday, September 22, 2019

The training and development of employees in William Hill Essay Example for Free

The training and development of employees in William Hill Essay Training is essential for both employees and employer if they want to be effective within the organisation and also for a company like William Hill to stay competitive within their market. The reason why training is important to employees is to enable them to achieve their maximum potential in their current position, it is needed also to develop them to create further opportunities within the organisation because employees are likely to be better educated and become multi-skilled. Training should be ongoing within William Hill in developing the employees skills within the business. William Hill believes training is very essential for their company especially when it proves for employees to develop within the organisation and continuing to meet objective. The training and development of employees in William Hill is imperative for the performance or the company as they are in a competitive market. William Hill has to inform workers to be aware of surroundings in the area that they work. The main types of training which businesses are using are Induction, on and off the job training and induction because they are successful in degree of the work format in different organisations needs. Training firstly takes place with induction in William Hill plc to enable new employees settle in quickly and feel comfortable to stay within their organisation. Induction programmes are not usually about a specific job the employee will be doing, but the way in which the business works. Then they have off and on the job training, which takes place in different methods. Induction This is the training provided for new employees and in this program they will learn the following: * Where everything around the workplace is such as the essentials which are fire exits, toilets, staff canteen, basically they will get a guided tour of their place of work. * They will go through the employees hour of work, who their manager is, name tags, uniform and training which will be provided for them in the future. * Booklets will handed out concerning sickness procedures, perks, grievance procedures, health and safety regulations and William Hills mission statement. All new recruits are taken through induction program at William Hill which is designs to give employees a broad understanding of the business indifferent contexts because it is a way in which William Hill can communicate and develop a relationship with employees and ditto with customers. This also ensures customer care due to its importance it will enable William Hill to keep their customers loyal. A booklet named You and William Hill is an outline of what expected of each employee and information concerning your uniform which is either a black or navy blue trousers or skirt and a white shirt/top with a William scarf and name tag. Mentoring Mentoring involves the trainee being paired with more experienced employee. This is a good way to train employees as they are able to carry out the tasks that they would be performing if they were really doing the job. The mentor is there to assist the employee if they have any problems. William Hill can implement this type of training as a means for the employ that feel less confident within the workplace to gain a higher self esteem level. Having someone they feel comfortable with would make them work better and they can adapt interactive skills with that person, enabling them to use it on others. William Hill would be encouraging a more cohesive environment if this was one of their training methods. Coaching Coaching is a planned process requiring time and resources, and will be more effective if the coaching manager is trained in coaching techniques and committed to the approach. A coach may guide a trainee through procedures that they may carry out in the future. Sitting next to Nellie is a traditional type of on the job training. Nellie is the experienced worker there to guide you along your way. However this may cause complications for the company as the quality of the training depends on the ability of the trainer. William Hill could use this as they could teach employees about what goes on in the business. Its a lot easier for the employee to ask questions about things that they may feel they dont understand and have them answered there and then. Also being able to have areas demonstrated in a practical format would benefit the employee. Apprenticeships Apprenticeships provide people with broad based training along along with key skills. After they complete the course they graduate and become an employee. They aim to give a number of people undergoing training who achieve NVQs of at least level 3 for technical, craft and junior management skills. In my opinion William Hill Smith might not use this as they would probably just have part time workers, e.g. students wanting part time jobs in summer. On the job On the job training is done within the premises. Some jobs require no experience so the training will be done on arrival. This is appropriate in areas like Shop floor workers learning how to use the till, or a new clerical assistant will need to understand the filing system. William Hill will use this as they could train new employees how to interact with others. Shop floor workers can see first hand how workers that are more experienced than them handle customers, whethwer theyre nice or difficuit. Off the job training Off the job training is done off the premises. This may take place in another branch or as a college course. This is done to widen the employees skills and develop the ability that the individuals already have. Depending on the position that the employee has William Hill can send the worker on a course to develop his/her skills. Managerial positions may require this as their role is much more intense, e.g. dealing with employees or customers that may not be happy with the performance of employees. Transferable skills Transferable skills are skills that once they are learnt they can be used in many situations. Key skills of Application of Number, Communication, and Information Technology are used to develop a technique you already have. William Hill use this as it would be appropriate in their type of industry. The development of the skill that the employees possess would be needed if they were to move to another company for employment. Granted that all the skills cant be used within all industries within the same field the basic knowing of what to do in a certain predicament would be needed by the employee. William Hill providing this for them would improve their imge. Non Transferable skills These skills are specific to the job at hand. The skills you learn can only be used in a particular situation. William Hill wouldnt use this as the workers can become more productive if they learn different skills. Rotating them around would motivate them to help others and if they are to be relocated into another branch then they wouldnt need to adapt very much to they way of working. GNVQS GNVQS are a work related alternative to GCSE and A Level. This is basically the digestion of knowledge of what some companies may do. The aim is to provide education to students that want to enter a particular area of work. To progress from this area would be to move into work where an NVQ may be taken, or to move to another level (e.g.) level 2 to level 3 or level 3 to higher education (university). William Hill doesnt use this as training as the company isnt in this type of industry. If they chose to send their employees off the job for training, in a college they may prepare the employees for the basic knowledge they would need. Development This is enable individuals within William Hill to realise their potential for growth in the organisation. There are many ways you can measure individuals potential, such as appraisal, an analysis of employees performance or a system of assessment centres. There are also many ways an employee can be rewarded for their potential, such as promotion, job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. William Hill offer all staff all the opportunity to develop themselves, that is why if one has the ability can progress to management level and then given the opportunity will have to go through management induction program, this will aid William Hill as workers will be more motivated as they will gain a sense of achievement which leads to greater employee retention. Training is very important for William Hill as well staff because well trained workers will be more productive and this will enable the company to meet objectives set which will increase profit. This is also good for employees especially concerning performance relate pay because a higher dividend is given. It will help save cost as there will be less waste due to fewer mistakes made also the corporate image will be enhanced because the work force are better skilled and motivated. Training and Development can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty indirectly as work will be done more efficiently and they will be more motivation to keep customers happy also it can make William Hill more competitive as they will be performing better at work.

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